Best Minimalist GoPro Accessories for Travel Bloggers

Best Minimalist GoPro Accessories for Travel Bloggers

We're a travel and simplicity blog which means we're all about documenting our adventures while staying true to our "less is more" lifestyle.  That's why we made sure to find the best minimalist GoPro accessories.

We wanted to travel the world and share our journey without carrying around an entire production kit. Our GoPro and all of our accessories fit nicely into a packing cube and can be easily stored in a small carry on.

Go Pro Accessories for BloggersEverything we own for our GoPro fits our needs as

  • Travelers
  • Minimalists
  • Bloggers

We started with a GoPro Hero 3+ but now we have a GoPro 6. Luckily for us, most GoPro accessories are universal which means these must-have items are here to stay.

· We own each one of the below options. We are writing about them because we love them and want to share our finds with our readers. As always, all thoughts and opinions are our own. For more information on what working with us means, check out our disclaimers ·

Disclosure: Links throughout the Mindful Nomadics site may make us a small commission at no additional cost to you. See our Affiliate Disclosure for more information.

Joby Tripod

Our Favorite GoPro AccessoriesA tripod is a must-have for any travel couple or any solo travelers. Basically, it's a must for any traveler.

We fell in love with the Joby Tripod that we purchased online. It has made filming and documenting our adventures a lot easier.

It's not just any old tripod but one with malleable legs. We are able to set it up on the ground or wrap it around objects.

We picked the Joby brand because it always has great reviews and is known to last. We've had our trip pod for a few years now and it's still working the same as day one.

The tripod has several attachment pieces so it can work with any camera, smartphone, and of course, GoPro. It's very user friendly and can be set up in seconds.

If you need more proof on how easy it is to use, Kelsey is typically the one to set it up and she sucks at technology. If Kelsey can use it without problems then so can you!

We mostly use it to get photos or videos of us together. Some of our favorite pictures are thanks to this tripod.

When we film ourselves talking about our travel memories we also use it. This way the frame stays in the same place in between takes.

Best gopro accessories for minimalist travelers

Docking Sation

If we had one complaint with GoPro it would be getting the data from the camera itself into our computers hard drive. Or even onto our phones for that matter.

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For whatever reason, every GoPro we have owned had problems with transferring data. Even with a cord it either takes FOREVER or it misses some of our files.

Since we love how compact and easy the GoPro is to use we weren't ready to say goodbye just yet. Then Phil found a device that changed our lives forever.

Phil bought us an Insignia 7-port USB C hub docking station. It's this little white box that made transferring data fast and easy.

Since we both own a Macbook Air, the only outlets on the computer are for a C cord and Audio output. Now with our docking station, we have a way to connect memory cards, USB, HDMI, and more directly to our laptop.

We put the Micro SD card into it and then connect to our computers without any trouble. It also has a spot for the full-size SD as well.

With this device, we can transfer data almost instantly. We cannot convey just how much time and stress this little device has saved us.

Even if we didn't own a GoPro, a docking station would still be one of our electronic must-haves. It has so many uses for such a compact little white box.

Best GoPro Accessories for bloggers

Extra Battery

At first, we thought an extra battery was a waste of space. We already had one battery so why get another one?

We figured we'd just charge the battery when we charge our phones. If we mostly stayed home this plan might have worked.

But alas, we are always on the move and this plan failed during a trip to Cook Islands. We biked around the island taking many stops along the way to explore off the beaten path when our battery died.

Because we were on an island, on bikes with no outlet in sight we only filmed the first half our island biking adventure. It was a bummer.

In a weird twist of events, we ended up losing the footage captured anyway when our car was broken into a few months later. So we learned a few lessons from this crazy event.

  1. Always have an extra battery
  2. Don't leave ANYTHING in your car

If we are going on a quick stroll through the city we may leave the extra battery at home but when we are planning on being gone for a while, we take it with us.

The battery is so small that it even fits easily in our water packs during hikes or Kelsey's purse during vacations.

GoPro Minimalist Travel Kit

Bracelet Strap

Kelsey is a worrywart and while galavanting around with a GoPro she was always worried we would drop it and lose it forever. That's when we found these little bracelet Straps on Amazon and it was money well spent.

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We ended up buying a 10 pack which initially we thought would be too much but we've already gone through four of them. The straps are so small they can be easy to lose so please don't judge us too much.

Since the GoPro already has a spot where it can hook up to other accessories, the strap can be easily secured to the camera and your wrist. It makes it easier to film our adventures with a piece of mind that the camera's not going anywhere.

If we accidentally drop the camera, the strap around our wrist catches it. For only a few bucks we now have extra security protection.

Best GoPro accessory kit


Go Pro Accessories for BloggersDo we actually consider a smartphone to be a GoPro accessory? Absolutely, and we think that's what GoPro intended as well.

We LOVE our smartphones and consider them to be our most used travel accessory. Our GoPro and smartphone go together like PB&J.

For the versions of GoPro that don't have a screen, a smartphone is the easiest way to see your screen. With the GoPro app, you can control your camera and see what's being captured.

Now that we have a GoPro with a screen, we still use the app all the time. We can set up our camera and control it from far away.

We also use our phones while filming the two of us sharing our memories. With a quick tap on our phone, we can start/stop recordings without having to change our position.

It takes a little bit more time but you can also download everything from the GoPro onto your phone. This means we can get instant pics and video footage for social media with just our phone and camera.

Our Favorite GoPro Accessories

Every GoPro accessory we own serves a purpose and helps us capture our more adventurous moments. We make sure everything is perfect for minimalist travelers because it takes up little space but serves an important role.

The GoPro itself is perfect for minimalists because it's small and compact. We didn't want to weigh it down with all these other items.

With our GoPro and these four accessories, we can run our site and pack it full of memories. One goal of MLMR Travel is that others can see our life through our eyes and this is how we make that possible.

Necessary GoPro accessories for bloggers