San Jose Tiny Home

San Jose Tiny Home

We are always checking out different tiny homes so we can get inspiration. Through AirBnB we found a tiny home located in San Jose and since we were working nearby decided to check it out for a quick weekend getaway.

It's a pretty basic build but can give you a quick glimpse into the tiny home lifestyle. We were able to check out some features we love in a tiny home and others we would customize for a better tiny home fit.

San Jose Tiny Home

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Aspects We Loved

Right away there were parts of the tiny home that we LOVED. It made the entire home feel more livable and luxurious...even for the limited square feet. If you are looking at building a tiny home yourself maybe think about including these items in your home.

Pull-Out Couch

It took us until after dinner to even make this discovery but the couch was also a bed! The couch in front of the TV easily slides into a bed making room for guests or just a more relaxing lounging area.

This was a big plus since in our tiny trailer home the couch/bed system takes a decent amount of work. Because of this, we find the set up in the bed position most of the time. We loved being able to have a couch for breakfast but then easily go to a bed for a midday TV marathon and nap.

Separate Bedroom

San Jose Tiny HomeThis is something that we did not think we would value but in the end, we saw the benefit. There was a door but that part we didn't use and we don't think is as crucial.

What we found is having a separate place to lounge from where you sleep made a big difference. It almost seemed to help restart our clocks.

It was also nice when one of us woke up slightly earlier and didn't have to disturb the other person. We think an entire room is not necessary but simply having a separate bed for sleeping and a couch for relaxing.

High Ceiling

We realized after staying in the San Jose tiny home that high ceilings are almost a must for us. We are not crazy tall (6' and 5'6") but having a higher ceiling seems to open up the place. When it comes to tiny home minimalist living, any appearance of more space is a must.

Couch in the San Jose Tiny Home

Customizations We Would Make

Every tiny home should be customized to the owners. Here are some items we would have changed if we were staying in the San Jose tiny home full time.

More Windows

If you have been following us for a while then you probably know just how much we LOVE windows. That's honestly one of the best parts about our current tiny home and we were obsessed with the mountain house.

Unfortunately, when it comes to natural lighting, this tiny home didn't make the cut. There were windows but we felt they could have been bigger. It almost seemed like our 94 sqft trailer had more room all because of the lack of windows showing outside.

Better Loft Access

The San Jose tiny home had two lofts and it almost seemed like they were just wasted space. The ladders to get up were so much in the way that the loft above the bedroom had the ladder just resting up in the loft.

Then the loft above the bathroom had a movable ladder that blocked the bathroom when in use. Lofts are so key when it comes to tiny homes that we feel easier access is very important.

Smaller Fridge

This is probably more our personal preference but having a big fridge takes up a lot of room. Plus when it comes to tiny home living, less is always more.

We realize not everyone wants to live with a mini-fridge like we do but even a mid-size fridge would get the job down. This way you can easily fit a few weeks of groceries but also have more room for dry storage.

San Jose Tiny Home

Click here for our travel video diary!

We liked our weekend stay in the San Jose tiny home but we must admit, it was not the tiny home for us. If you find yourself in San Jose, it would be a great place for a fun getaway while getting the tiny home experience.

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San Jose Tiny Home